Privacy Polices

Your privacy is important to Step To Revolution team and we are committed to protecting  your privacy. So we have made a User End Privacy Policy. Please take a few moments to know personally yourself that with our privacy policy and let us come to know if you have any questions.

Information we get from your use of our services We might be collecting the knowledge about the services that you use and how you interact with them, such as when you have perspective view and interact with our content. We may collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system specs, unique device identity, and mobile network information). The Developer will not share that information with third parties.


“Personal User Information,” which is the type of data that specifically identifies you personally or can be used alone to connect you online or offline, such as your full name, physical address, email address, photograph, exact geo-location data (i.e., your exact proper location), We can collect personal recognition information from Users in a discriminating way.

With the ongoing policy of collecting  Personal data Information and Non-Personal data Information, we might also use cookies or similar comparable technologies. You might choose to submit your Personal Information to us, we may link cookie or Cache information for the sake of Personal data. You can disable your cookies or set your browser to notify you when cookies are being sent.
Non- Personal Information
We may collect and use non-personal data in the following conditions. in order to have better know how, in user end behavior, solve matters in products and services, improve our service flow, products and advertising, we may collect non-personal data such as installed application name and package name, the info of installed app, intermittently usage, country, stuff and channel.


This Kids Privacy Policy has been used to specify to demonstrate you, with complete guidance regarding our User End privacy policies with relation to acknowledging, using and divelge personal information ,regarding the legal custodian of a child of infant under the age of 13 years old. Many of our Games/Apps are proposed for general viewers, and we do not knowingly collect stuff or use any Personal or private information from children and kids under the age of 13. When users are identified or pinpointed as under 13, we will block/stop such users from giving private or Personal Information or make sure to get prior parental consent before gathering Personal Information.


When you use a Geo location-enabled services, we may collect and proceed data about your actual location, like GPS signals sent by a intelligent smart device. We may also use different technologies to confirm your Geo location, such as sensor data info from your smart data device that may, for example, provide information instruction on nearby WI-Fi accessible  points and cell towers.


We have to appreciate the third party advertisement networks for accepting or welcoming the  ads (banners, interstitials and video ads etc,..).In our apps and games ,these ads allowed to be displayed. Advertisers may use cookies,Cache and other web-tracking technologies to collect user data, in case that user clicks on any of these advertisements.

 Save photos created by this application into user’s device storage.

CAMERA: Take photos by user’s device camera. To help you access and use camera to take pictures, record Video.
Disable Home key ,in lock screen Apps Likewise patterns and screen ,to protect your device to protect your data for your security of mobile device from unauthorized use.

PRIVACY QUERIES and Questionnaires :

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy. please contact us We may update Privacy Policy from time to time. When we change the policy in a material way, a notice will be posted on our website along with the updated Privacy Policy.  
